Note* that for the recertification functional
Course validity
To use the course validity functionality, follow these steps:
Step 1. Go to Courses and choose the course you want to set a validity for.
Step 2. Scroll down to "Certificate Validity and Recertification" and set the duration of the certificate.
Step 3. When the certificate expires, you can choose to send an automatic notification by clicking "Notify User When Certificate Has Expired."
You can read more about our notification module here
To enable recertification for a course and set the period before the course expires to start recertification, follow these steps:
Step 1. Check the box for "Enable Recertification for Course and Set Period Before Course Expires to Start Recertification."
Step 2. Select the period for how long before the certificate expires the course should open up again for the end-user.
Step 3. Set a notification for when the course becomes available again by selecting "Notify User by Email When Course is Available for Recertification"
We recommend enabling recertification once you create a course so it is set from the start.
Once the recertification period for a user has started, the status of the course is set to ”Expiring” and the course is moved back to ”my courses” where the user can start course again.
When the users have passed the course again the course moves back to history and they can download their new diploma.
Changes in Statistics
The following changes will be made to the statistics:
- Status "Marked as expired" for users whose certificate is expired.
- Status "Expiring" for users whose certificate is about to expire and needs recertification.
- Old attempts will be archived, and you can see them in the user view from statistics.
Tip* The recertification is based on the tags. Users with individual access to the course will not be included in the automation of the recertification logic.