In this article you will learn how to to create, manage courses and add learning material. Start by watching the video below.
Create courses
When you create a course, the first step is to select the attributes you want to assign to your course and carry out the following steps
Step 1 Click on NEW COURSE
Step 2 Fill in the following fields below:
Course name: Enter the desired course name in this field.
Description of the course: In this field, you enter a description of the course. This description will be visible to the users.
Upload Icon: Here you can upload a picture for your course. this picture will be visible to the end user.
Description of the icon: In this field, you enter a short descriptive text about your course picture. This text is used by screen readers for visually impaired users.
Tip: You can use bullet lists and links in your course description if you wish.
Step 3 Add contact person: In this field, you can select an existing user of your platform GO + as contact person for the course you have created. The contact person's e-mail address will be displayed in the User View below the course description.
Step 4. Select the course category. Here you select the categories into which the course will be placed.
Step 5. Click CREATE COURSE. This button creates the course in the platform and takes you to the page where you can add course content in the form of modules and select which users will be assigned to the course.
Step 1. Click on Change Availability
Step 2. Following options are available:
Define which users should have access to the course by selecting Tags.
Define the availability of the course
Notify users when the training is available (Check this option if you want to send a reminder to your users when the course becomes available for them.)
Select which message template you want to use.
Tip: Combine this option with the Define time limit if you want to send a reminder to different user groups at different times, for example. (If users with different tags/user categories have to attend the course at different times)
Remind Users to complete the training
Check this option if you want to send a reminder to your users who have started but have not completed the course. Select how often you want the reminder to be sent and which message template you want to use.
You can use this functionality to send status e-mails to certain people that a user has completed a course.
If you want the participants to receive a certificate at the end of the course, you can set this up in the Certificate section.
You can preview the diploma that will be sent to the customer. If you decide you want a different certificate you can change the default content. Please contact for layout changes to the certificate
Certificate Notifications
Course > Select course > Certificate > Validity and Recertification
If you have an active diploma with a validity period for one of your courses and want to send a reminder when it expires, check the option to notify users when the certificate has become invalid.
Select the message template to sent out to the users.
Tip: It may be advisable to select an earlier date prior to the certificate expiring
Edit course
You can find all created courses under the menu item COURSES.
Step 1 Select the course you want to edit and click on SEE COURSE.
Step 2.In this view you can do the following;
- Change attributes
- See statistics
- Change availability
- View, edit, and add modules
- Change notifications
- Activating and previewing certificates
Add categories to courses
For each course, you can add 1 or more categories. Those can be used as filters for the user or even in the admin view.
Step 1. Go to settings and chose "Course Categories" and add as many categories as you need.
Step2. Assign the categories to your course. Open the course from the menu and click "Properties" At the bottom you can add the categories. You can add just one or as many as you like.
The user should now be able to see and filter for the categories the courses are added to.
Please press the filter icon to bring up the category bar. Should you want this to be visible by default(without clicking the icon) please contact our support and we'll enable that for you.