Rise 360 is a web-application which is part of Articualte 360. With the application you create fully responsive courses. In this article you will get an overview of what you can do with Rise.
When you first enter your Rise 360 application you will see something like the image below. This is where you get an overview of all your courses and access them.
Create a course
When you click on a course you enter the edit mode of the course and will se the view below.
In the first view you can add a title, decription and chose whether or not the author of the course should be visible. In the list below the description you add the chapters, or lessons as Rise calls them. To chose if the lesson will be a lesson or quiz you click on the button 'Add content' and chose one. Rise will automatically enter the lesson or quiz when you chose.
Create a lesson
In the lesson you can add different types of content. To add a content block you can click on the content type in the bottom panel or click on 'All blocks' to see all available blocks. The blocks available devided into categorys; Text, Statement, Quote, List, Image, Gallery, Multimedia, Interactive, Knowledge Check, Chart, Divider and Templates. Each category of the content blocks then have multiple variations of that type.
To add a block in between two blocks you can hover between them until the add icon appears and then click it.
All of the blocks are customizable to som degree. You can for example change the distance between your blocks and change the color of the background and texts.
Create a quiz
If you want to track the result form questions this type of lesson is required. You are able to have questions with in a content based lesson but it is not trackable.
You can choose from four types of questions; Multiple Choice, Mulitiple Response, Fill In The Blank and Matching.
In the top right corner you can access the settings for the quiz. This is where you can define what is required to pass the test.
If you click on 'Preview' you preview the course. Per default it is showing the laptop view but you can change to preview on another device by clicking the icons in the upper right corner.
You can preview the whole course or specific chapters by clicking on 'Preview' in the upper right corner.
In the Settings section for your course you have five tabs; Theme, Navigation, Translations, Labels, Collaborators.
In this tab you choose the over all appearance of the course. You can add a logotype, a cover photo and customize the theme's accent color and fontface for headings and paragraphs. If you want to add a custom font you click on 'Manage custom fonts' and then on 'Add custom font' and follow the instructions on the screen.
The navigation tab includes settings for the navigation. For example if the navigation should be restricted or not and if the naviagtion should be visible or not.
This is where you go to tranlate your course. In the tab you find a step-by-step guide for how to proceed if you are going to translate your course.
Under Labels you define the wording for buttons and other messages that are built in to Rise. The predefined language is English and to change it you either choose one in the dropdown menu or create a custom one.
Within the tab Collaborators you can invite people, who has an Articulate 360 lincense, to edit your course. To invite them you write their e-mail and click on 'Invite'. Automatically they will get the role 'Course collaborator' which give them the right to edit the content of the course but they do not have acces to Settings, Share, Review, or Export. If you want to give the collaborator more access you can change their role to 'Course Manager', they can then do everything except edit labels, transfer ownership, and delete the course. Only the 'Course Owner' can do everything including edit labels, transfer ownership, and delete the course.
Share and Review
To share a course with someone you have two options; use Share or Review.
By clicking Share you get access to a link which you can send to the people you want to share your work with. With this method the people viewing the course can only view the course.
If you choose to share your course thorugh Review 360 instead, the people viewintg the course can give you feedback by adding comments.
When exporting you have three main options; LMS, PDF or Web.
If you are exporting for a LMS you have some further choices to make; which scorm version you want and how you want to track the users progress. When the package has exported you will recive a zip-file which you upload in your LMS.
With this method you recive a pdf file of the course.
A web package is suitable if you are going to publish the course on you web server. When the package has exported you will recive a zip-file which you should extract and then transfer to you webserver.