Automatic blocking of bounced emails
Sending invalid emails will cause bounces and damage TicTacs email service reputation. It is therefore important to make sure that the emails being used are correct and active. GO+ will therefore automatically block email addresses that have bounced.
Under Settings > BLOCKED EMAILS, superadmins can see a list containing all email addresses that have been blocked, the reason for the block will also be listed beside each email address.
The root cause of the bounce needs to be resolved for each email so that the user email can be unblocked again. You do this by clicking the “Unblock email” button. This can be done both under settings> BLOCKED EMAILS and on each user profile page under “Manage users”.
No emails will be sent to email addresses listed on the blocked emails list.
As mentioned above the reason behind the block will be listed beside each email address. Following are the most common reasons:
Typos in the emails. Action: Update the user's email.
Inactive email. Action: The email address for the user needs to be updated or user inactivated/removed.
Email server. Action: Adjust configuration or whitelist GO+ email servers.
Settings Page “BLOCKED EMAILS”
User profile in admin view.