What are Analytics
On the Analytics page, you can see statistics for users and courses. Here, you see the current total amount of users and courses in your portal, as well as how many of the courses are active and inactive.
There is also an easy and quick way to create a new user or a new course from this page.
You also have a pie chart displaying the amount of courses started, not started and completed relative to each other. This informs you about the current balance between user engagement (courses started/not started) and outcome (courses completed).
At the bottom of the page, courses are listed one by one. Here, you can see the number of users who have completed, started, or not started each course. You can also export data in a .csv file.
Filter and sort the course list
Use the filtering options to get a different listing in your course list. These settings are available in the top column. Simply click the headline of the column you want to sort by. You can also click the 3 dots to the left of the column headline to view and choose sorting options.
Example: If you want your list to show the most started courses first, click “Started” in the column headline.
Course level Analytics
If you want to see course level statistics, click on the “eye” icon next to the course title in the course list.
Course level statistics gives you a deeper and more detailed information. At the top of the course statistics, you see the number of users that have current access to that course. You can also see the number of completions.
The pie chart displays the number of users who have started and completed the course, as well as users who haven’t started the course yet. This provides you with an overview of the balance between user engagement (started courses) and outcome (completed courses) at course level.
How to export data
You can download an Excel (.csv file) if you want to export data.
Click the “Export” button at the top of your course list and select “Download as CSV”.
Your browser will download the file. Open the file in Excel to view.